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    Hello, I'm Victoria

    I'm a doctoral candidate studying clinical and developmental psychology at the University of Oregon.

  • Education

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    University of Oregon (UO)

    PhD: Psychology: Clinical and Developmental (2019-Present)

    I am pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology at the University of Oregon


    Master of Science: Psychology: Clinical and Developmental Psychology(2020)
    Master Thesis: Individual differences and developmental changes in perspective-taking in adolescent girls: Evidence from brain and behavior

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    University of Florida (UF)

    BS: Psychology: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience (2016-2019)

    In May 2019, I received a Bachelor of Science in psychology with an emphasis on behavioral and cognitive neuroscience and a minor in Latin American studies from the University of Florida
    Undergraduate Thesis: Psychological resilience moderates the relationship between experimentally manipulated social status and dietary intake among Hispanic American adolescents

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    Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL)

    Minor: Latin American Studies (2017)

    I completed coursework for my minor in Latin American studies while at the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
    Final paper: Funk Brasileiro: Movimento social e expressão da grande identidade Brasileira

  • Research

    My research focuses on social cognitive and neural development across adolescence, with an emphasis on how this development impacts mental health (such as internalizing disorders). Specifically, I am interested in how adolescents develop an understanding of themselves and others, how these processes interact, and whether they confer risk for internalizing disorders. In my work, I use a blend of techniques including experimental paradigms, longitudinal study designs, task fMRI, and structural equation modeling. A long-term goal of this research is to influence interventions and policies that equitably promote positive development, well-being, and health for all adolescents.

  • Projects


    • Individual differences and developmental changes in perspective-taking in adolescent girls*: Evidence from brain and behavior.  Preregistration. PosterPresentation.
    • The mental health impact of individual differences in mentalizing tendencies. 


    Latino/a & Hispanic youth in the US and Perú


  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    * denotes shared first authorship

    † denotes corresponding author

    ‡ denotes mentee


    NOTE: An important part of eliminating inequity includes increasing access to education resources. Please contact me should you have difficulty accessing any of the publications below and I will send it to you!

    Guazzelli Williamson, V. (2023). Academia Should Respect and Use Authors’ Preferred Names. Nature Human Behaviour. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-023-01690-x. PDF.


    Guazzelli Williamson, V, & Mills, K. (2023). Mentalizing Strategies in Navigating the Social World in Adolescence. Infant and Child Development. DOI: 10.1002/icd.2374. PDF.

    *Saragosa-Harris, NM, *Chaku, N, *MacSweeney, N, *Guazzelli Williamson, V, Scheuplein, M, Feola, B, … Mills, KL. (2022). A practical guide for researchers and reviewers using the ABCD Study and other large longitudinal datasets. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101115. PDF.

    Guazzelli Williamson, V., Berger, E., Barendse, M., Pfeifer, J. H., Dahl, R., & Magis-Weinberg, L. (2021). Socio-ecological resilience relates to lower internalizing symptoms among adolescents during the strictest period of COVID-19 lockdown in Perú. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol 50. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/q9hcr. PDF.

    Barendse, M, Byrne, M, Flournoy, J, McNeilly, E, Guazzelli Williamson, V, Barrett, A, Chavez, S, Shirtcliff, E, Allen, N, Pfeifer, J. (2022). Multi-method assessment of pubertal timing and associations with internalizing psychopathology in early adolescent girls. In press at Journal of Abnormal Psychology. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/p5vfb. PDF.

    Cheng, T, Magis-Weinberg, L, Guazzelli Williamson, V, Ladouceur, C, Whittle, S, Herting, M, Uban, K, Byrne, M, Barendse, M, Shirtcliff, E, Pfeifer, J. (2021). A researcher’s guide to the measurement and modeling of puberty in the ABCD StudyⓇ at baseline. Frontiers of Endocrinology. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/4fv3k. PDF.


    Guazzelli Williamson, V, Lee, A, Miller, D, Huo, T, Maner, JK, Cardel, M. (2021). Psychological resilience, experimentally manipulated social status, and dietary intake among adolescents. Nutrients. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13030806. PDF.

    Montoya-Williams, D., Guazzelli Williamson, V.,  Cardel, M., Fuentes-Afflick, E., Moldonado-Molina, M., Thompson, L. (2020). Nuances of the Hispanic Perinatal Paradox in the United States: A Scoping Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. PMID: 33131006. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-020-01117-z. PDF.


    *Guazzelli Williamson, V. *Dilip, A., Dillard, J.R., Morgan-Daniel, J., Lee, A. M., & Cardel, M. (2020). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Snacking Behaviors Among Adolescents. Nutrients. DOI: 10.3390/nu12010167. PDF.

    Hong, Y.R., Pavela, G., Lee, A. M., Guazzelli Williamson, V., & Cardel, M. (2019). Patients’ experiences with received health care services in individuals with overweight and obesity. The Journal of General Internal Medicine. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-019-04939-2. PDF. 


    Lee, A. M., Chavez, S., Bian, J., Thompson, L., Gurka, M., Guazzelli Williamson, V.,& Modave, F. (2019). The role of mobile devices in stress and exercise management in an ethnically diverse sample. Journal of Medical Internet Research. DOI: 10.2196/11847. PDF.

    Liu, Y., Guazzelli Williamson, V., Setlow, B., Cottler, L.B., & Knackstedt, L.A. (2018). The importance of considering polysubstance use: lessons from cocaine research. The Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.07.02. PDF.

    Amorim, W., Valduga, I., Ribeiro, J., Guazzelli Williamson, V., Krauser, G., Magtoto, M., & Guerra, J. (2018). The nexus between water, energy, and food in the context of the 2017 global risks: An analysis of the interactions between food, water, and energy security. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2018.05.002. PDF.

  • Clinical

    Assessment Training

    • Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS)
    • Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
    • Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
    • Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI-II)
    • Diagnostic interview for anxiety, mood, and related neuropsychiatric disorders (DIAMOND) 
    • Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
    • Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)

    Clinical Experience

    Individual Therapist

    Vista Counseling (2021-present)

    Child Individual Therapist

    University of Oregon Clinic (2021-present)

    Adult Individual Therapist

    University of Oregon Clinic (2020-2021)

    Clinical Assessment Interviewer (K-SADS)

    University of Oregon (2019-present)

    Suicide and Crisis Phone Counselor

    Alachua County Crisis Center (2017-2018)

  • Science Communication

    Note: Responses below are paraphrased responses from an interview between Victoria Guazzelli Williamson (VGW) and Dr. Anne-Lise Goddings. VGW made her best efforts to take thorough and accurate notes during the interview so that responses could be accessed by developmental scientists interested...
  • Collaborators & Mentors

    It takes a village!

  • Sciencing

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  • Current Mentees

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    Valerie Owusu-Hienno

    Undergraduate Research Assistant majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Chemistry and Global Health.

    UO class of 2026

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    Rebecca O'Donnell

    Undergraduate Research Assistant majoring in Neuroscience and Psychology.

    UO class of 2025

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    Tyler Chisholm

    Undergraduate Research Assistant majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Sociology and Public Policy, Planning & Management.

    UO class of 2026

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    Riley Stevens

    Riley is an Undergraduate Research Assistant majoring in Psychology and Philosophy (UO Class of 2025). They are interested in both a psychological and phenomenological approach to trauma and dissociation, especially with how it affects adolescents and adults with eating disorder

    UO class of 2026

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    Tieler Brown

    Tieler is a first-generation undergraduate student and research assistant at the University of Oregon (class of 2025). They are majoring in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a sub-focus in Psychology. They are interested in utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to understanding adolescent mental development.

    UO class of 2025

  • Previous Mentees

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    Abhaya Dilip

    Post-Graduate Research Associate in the Program for Obesity, Weight, and Eating Research (POWER) at Yale University

    UF class of 2021

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    Medical student at the University of Toledo

    UF class of 2021

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    Honors Student

    UO class of 2022

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    Undergraduate Research Assistant majoring in Human Physiology and minoring in Chemistry.

    UO class of 2024

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    Myrka Ayala Congachi

    Undergraduate Research Assistant majoring in Neuroscience and Human Physiology

    UO class of 2025

  • Let's Connect!

    I have zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind.

  • Contact Me

    Drop me a note below!

    Victoria Guazzelli Williamson, Department of Psychology, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227